Forum « do you spell a AI neuron a AIAIAIAI, it means AIE AIE AIE AIE ? »

  • I confess i don't understand those discussions around the fact that some AI create image. (cf. là par exemple ou plutôt ) Some people says it will be a problem but i don't see what is new there for our society ?
  • You mean our secret society ?
  • Come on ! Image has always be a problem or a question for the society. Could i represent God ? Could I represent human ? What is the statut of an image ? Illusion ? Real ? Reality ? Being ? Non Being ? Devilish trick ? Blablabla all of this is not new.
  • Well, the difference is those images are done by machine.
  • I can't see the point. Those machines are made by humans. The way those machine learn how to do images is by assimilating others images, isn't that way ? What is the difference with the way humans do ?
  • The speed and the no other experience of something else than doing images maybe ... Those machines just do images. I mean those programm.
  • Ok, we need more information, but i understand the idea : an human eat images but he's also doing others things in a similar world of the images he eats and produces.
  • Well, not anymore  since decade! Does GIGER produce images of a world he lives in ?
  • Well, he anticipates a world of machines …
  • You're stupid ! The machine had no conscience of itself. Could the machine do its own portrait ? As Gaston LEROUX points it, all what the machine do (the automat) is what the human want to do. The machine just allow the human to do things he couldn't do before. But the machine doesn't want anything by itself.
  • So what ?
  • The machine, the Ai is just an amplification of the human problems, it's not some new problems. It's all about very old problems.
  • Don't know. So the question could be « do a machine could draw or producing an image without having assimilate a drawing or an another image ? »
  • Well, same question for human, no ?
  • Well, a human see images in his b rain trhought his eayes and has a conscience of them more or less.
  • He seems he memorizes images even then before having conscience of them ...
  • This is what i'm talking about, the machine is conceived by human.
  • Ok, so the question could be : does the AI neuron produces a kind of machine conscience ?
  • I think this is stupid. If the AI neuron produces a kind of conscience, it would those of their conceipters. In a written book, there is the conscience of the author in it, i mean the good one. Read « les essais »  de MONTAIGNE and you will be with Montaigne. And this has nothing to do with GUTENBERG except GUTENBERG permits that the no religious people could read book. GUTENBERG is about democratization of sharing experience. MONTAIGNE shares his human experience of being.
  • So the AI is not the thing but the support of the thing, more or less, that is it ?
  • Well, what do you call the thing ?
  • Yeah, this is the point.


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