Forum « AI and Aïe-Hé are in a Tesla and talk about domotic »

  • the reason I always mistrust domotic is a scary B-movie I saw in the eighties in Thonon-les-bains which is in the valley down Avoriaz where was held each Febuary a famous festival of horror and fantastic movies. So don't know how it had worked, maybe the concrete « bobines » of the movies before being spread out were projected in the no-commercial cinema of la maison des arts et loisirs de Thonon-les-Bains after having being projected in the Avoriaz festival, whatever we then can see a large panel of horror movies.
  • So it's a quite long story just to tell us you saw a movie ..
  • Well, i find important to point it's not video-club culture.
  • Oh, I see. You don't want a confusion between you and TARANTINO …
  • So ..
  • So, i saw a movie where an academic professor and searcher in computer langage going in a congress to present the results of his research. He lives more or less on the campus of the university and he has a computer in his house that is linked to the computers of his labotory in the university. You have to think we were watching this in the early 80's when internet and maybe even the Macintosh I as a domestic computer do not exist.
  • Yeah, of course. « je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans ne peuvent pas connaître »
  • Otherwise, this academic searcher keen of technology tools and gadgets had developped a domotic system in his house. So he goes to his congress, gives a kiss to his wife and then, we see that the artificial intelligence that it's not called by that name at that time, well seems to me, we see that AI reopens by itself the computer linked to the university and takes control on the domotic system of the house of the professor.
  • Waow !
  • Well, watching such things in the early eighties was quite new ! And well, of course, the computer thing or this artificial intelligence gonna torture the woman of the professor-searcher. Scenarists of the movie were without any doubt regular men of that post sex liberation period of the human civilisation, i mean the eighties of the XXe century !
  • Yeah, it's true that the story between Young KAVAUNANGH and young BLASEY must be recontexted in that peculiar cultural period of our human civilisation !
  • Yes. Well, that B-movie was quite funny cause it deals with all the nightmares of the « femme au foyer » : all her kitchen tools, all her nice sheets, furniture, blabla turned to become torture instruments. You can see it as a subcritic of her alienation to the marchandise...Bu this is reconstruction of my viewing cause at those times, i did'nt read BAUDRILLARD and even hardly have done till now ..
  • And how they justify the artificial intelligence doing that, i mean to torture the woman ?
  • Well, can't remember precisly, seems it wants its revenge on its human father by humiliating his wife and it wants to become alive, so it rapes the woman (don't ask me how, it's a very long story) and she felt pregnant and a baby get born, all of that in maybe one week ! When the professor searcher came back, it's too late, her wife has changed, loved her new baby. And the last image of that movie is the baby with the voice of the artificial intelligence saying « I'm alive ».
  • This sounds good, no !
  • Well, i guess it was more a movie that talks about sado-masochist desire and not about AI .. but that expression of the desire of an artificial intelligence of being alive, it means to have a body of its own, was interesting.
  • I must say i don't understand that denomination of « artificial intelligence ». I don't think it's such different from our intelligence except of powerfullness and without embodiness. Don't you think ?
  • What do you mean ?
  • Well, it's more or less constructed with what we, humans, have put in it by exploring how our own intelligence is working... so it's not « artificial »... For the thing i know, AI is more looking like an human intelligence than an OGM is looking like an organisme without modification of its ADN. I mean OGM is artificial, the intelligence of a machine is maybe just electronic and not biologic but not artificial.
  • I guess this is a detail. My fear is that it's all about logic, and i'm not sure everything is logic..
  • I will tell that logic is not on a plan but on three dimensions or maybe more. So, the deep of your logic changes the logic to say it shortly. That's why machines could be better that human in deep logic. And because their intelligence could grow quicker and deeper than ours, it could become something we don't know.
  • Yes, but without a body something will be lost ; Don't you think ?
  • yeah, i guess the problem also is the direct interactions with, and impregnation of, all the living beings and mineral things that could be missing in the deep machine learning. Also the static experience of AI must become on motion.
  • Cause « motion is emotion »...
  • Is breathing a motion ?
(to be continued).


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