Read in Libération 9 novembre 2018« [..] arborant une cravate bleu vif - un choix étonnant, c'est la couleur des Démocrates – Donald TRUMP a salué les résultats des Républicains [..] » Come on, just wake up ! It's XXIe century, not XIXe century, symbolism is dead since decades ! Never heard about MALLARMÉ ? BECKETT ? Marcel DUCHAMP ? Antonin ARTAUD ? VATICAN II ? Pop Culture ? Ok, it's not monarchy, it's democracy, it's individual freedom, so the color of the tie is not part of a meaning protocol and i'm even part of the ones who think that a president could speak with a fluorescent orange perruque or with a feather in his ass or whatever if he wants to as soon as the job is done. But i agree people are not ready yet for that.


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