I don't want to feed a simulation, i want a real life [I don't wanna be fucked by a simulation, i want a real choosen partner ]

So, We have progressed a few in that idea of proposals some scenari for ecological porno movies (Cf. Forum « Why Brigitte LAHAIE didn't sign the appel of the deux cent ? ». So, the first one could be a band of gorgeous girls who can be fucked only in electric cars and especially in TESLA cars. When there's no coït on the screen, people can talk about the climate and why gas cars need to disparear. One girl can have a monologue explaining why she can't feel sex desire oustside an electric car : one day, an alien came to her and put a spell on her telling it would be for the good of the humanity she could then have orgasms only in electric cars and especially in the TESLA cars and trucks. Same version for gay people with a band of young ephebs men and the wife of Nicola TESLA as a holy witch in the cast of the alien. Add an episode with firemen and their TESLA firemen electric truck. Need consultants to establish the version for lesbians.


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