Best fucking roaring, bottom fucked roughly and big funny rodéo are in a betterave fujihama roadster with blowing flying rustie, blanket for rolling stone and others.

  • I think about a second scenario for these ecological porno movies we're trying to developp.
  • Do you really think it's a good way to convince people to do something for the planet ?
  • Well, i guess we need to consider all the ways of convincing people to do something for the planet... So, this second scenario is about a woman desesperated cause she never had an orgasm and know nothing about sexual joy, so she decides to go to the beach and let herself drowning in the sea after having swimmed like a dalphin for hours. Poseïdon who was there, well he's the god of the sea, so he's the landscape, the fish, the sea, blabla, Poseïdon sees the beauty unseen of the body of this woman and suggests to her a nap near the rivage before swimming. During that nap, Poseîdon brings near her warm water with a lot of sponges and anémones de mer that lip and suck her sex and shake her clito. Poseïdon then appears in his human form and when the woman wakes up full of sexual desire, he takes her. After having reveal all the pleasure of being fucked ot that woman, Poseïdon orders her not to suicide but to go throught the world convincing people to stop to use so much plastics and to clean the ocean of the plastics who are already in it. With her wet clothes on her, revealing her beautiful body, she's doing hitch-hiking but refuses to go in gas or hybrid car. « I'm a fighter for the nature, she explains to the driver of a Porsche, i go only in full electric car.or trucks » then we can have different sex scene in electric car or trucks alterned with discussions around why TESLA are the best electric cars and trucks in the world or why it's important to reduce the wrapping of the things we bought in shops blabla save of the energy, save of the water blabla solar energy, hydroelectricity, blabla we can imagine during some coïts a lecture « en voix off » of the Brigitte LAHAIE thesis, exposed in her last book, of the needed sexual reconciliation between men and women blabla at the end of the movie the woman reachs a port where she would be embedded in a solar boat who gonna clean the big dirty part full of plastics in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Well, not bad.
  • Thank you.
  • I guess the beginning is quite hard to suggest with just images and not boring dialogues, that's why i suggest a roll of text explaining the situation of the woman as it was at the beginning of Stars Wars explaining the situation in that un know part from us of the Galaxy at those times.
  • Do you think this effect of a roll text had been invented then ?
  • Don't know. I know i was fascinated by the idea of a text dispappearing in the horizon, like the landscape. Can't remember if i see that roll paper effect for the first time in Star Wars cause I see Star Wars very late, maybe 1985.
  • I remembered before seeing the trilogy having read a lot of french intellectual or semi-intellectual critics dealing with all the references of those movies to images of the World War II or the Vietnam War. Well, the empire s got the same esthetic of the nazis' one, there also were little things like soft toys that fight the bad ones in the third or second movie and they use the same low strategy of subversive war as the Viet minh did or the algerians of the FLN blabla. Well pop mocie critics was quite new then...
  • I think my favorite characters are « Jair », not sure of the name of the copilot of Harrison Ford, and the robot of protocole that he's very polite and delicate an speaks all the langage including machine langage.
  • It seems Jair died in an episode.
  • Well, you know, he could'nt die, he's a character.
  • Yeah of course.
  • I like « Dune » also, this kind of futurist middle age. I remember some women are witch and says the contrary of what they want to happen in order what they want to happen happens. But well, i didn't read the book, i just saw the David Lynch movie. Maybe i could try to do that now. To read all those books.
  • Well, there are moderns Illiade and Odysée, description of society and individuality among that bullshit and story of the need to free humans of the bad eye they've got on their destinity.
  • I wouldn't have said it like that...
  • Sorry, i'm tired.
  • So, just sleep !
  • And when I wake up, you will be Poséïdon, that 's it ?
  • Don't be ridiculous !
  • I'm not afraid to be ridiculous.
  • This is how you saved your life many times.
  • Maybe. Ok, i go to see Morphée.
(to be continued)


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