Forum dans une taverne.

  • Moi, je crois que les dessins que BRUEGHEL a demandé à sa femme de détruire afin qu'elle n'ait pas d'ennui étaient des dessins représentant précisément sa femme en tenue d'eve dans toutes les positions avec ou sans lui. Il faut comprendre au pied de la lettre ce désir d'éviter des ennuis à sa femme. Il y a des mecs qui croient que si une femme est à poil sur un dessin ou sur une photo, elle serait alors une prostituée !
  • In english please.
  • Well, so, some people do not understand the difference between représentation and real. If a woman is naked on a drawing, it doesn't mean she wants to be naked all the time with anyone !
  • I would say it doesn't mean she will be the same naked personn in front of someoe else !
  • Oohhhh !
  • It's the same for man no ?
  • Yeah !
  • But why it's not the same for animals ?
  • Euh …
  • Well, animals are naked all the time and they're not different if you or I look at them.
  • I won't be so sure of that but the point is also that you're not in a sexual commerce with them. They live naked. They're not ashamed about their nakeness.
  • So, if I understand what you're talking about, we can say that it's not because you're always talking about sex that you want to have sex with anyone ? Is that correct ?
  • It's not because I write about sex …
  • Yeah, it's not obvious this is writing..
  • cause this is primitive writing …
  • I would say it's not writing, it's secretary …
  • Of who ?
  • Can't answer to that question. I just can tell who i'd like t be the personnal secretary.
  • So who ?
  • It's personnal. I won't write it. But i can whisper it to you, if you're the right one...
  • Ok, it's become difficult to go on, don't you think ?
  • Go on where ?
  • Nowhere precisly §
  • Oh yeah, don't know..I wish to be in september again.
  • Oh, no ..please ! after the beginning, things are not obliged to end or vanish, they could grow.
  • So, up to you to show me.
  • Mmmm, too easy or too tricky .. don't know, need to breath to see more clearly the future …
  • Well, i've got a problem with my situation.
  • It means ?
  • Out of the world.
  • I don't think this is your situation. Nobody is out of the world even the amazonian tribes !
  • Ok, this is really virtual.
  • But virtual is a potential real ….
  • ...Cause real is a potential virtual ...
(to be continued)


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