Le secretariat, a message for Mr Donald TRUMP : « We well received your request « i want a superclimate ». In order this request could be considered, you have to do a few things before :

  1. To forbid the oléoduc crossing the sacred lands of native north americans indians,
  2. To forget about mine and fuel and work hard to extract these cancers from the economy of your country and within the world,
  3. To respect the accord de Paris and follow the feuille de route enonced then,
  4. To raise the minimal workers wages in your country and ask for a decent minimal worker wage within the world,
  5. To stop to be ambigoüs with the racism of some of your fans and electors as well as with some practises in use in your political party.
  6. To stop to say stupid things about immigration and work hard to understand the situation of the people who leave their country cause they don't have a father that can pay this or that for them as well as trying to understand the international immigration question within the world,
  7. To promote the recruitment of black and hispanic people in the police (federal, state, local, blabla).
  8. To promote fully electric cars in your country and within the world,
  9. To put more money in public education
  10. To do the father Christmas for poor children for one or two weeks, it means wearing the costume and give them some gifts payed with your own money.
As soon of all that will be done, your request « I want a superclimate » would be then considered.
Thanks for your attention, »


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