Forum « sans titre et in english »

  • I guess i understand something : the société « bourgeoise » is hypocrit and it's a condition of its stability. You want to be part of the upper class, just learn how to be hypocrit..
  • Hillary CLINTON loves the poor and sustain the women liberation and she took money from medical assurances that do not like the poors and was supported by WEINSTEIN !
  • What are you're talking about ? What is this hypocrisy people of the upper class were supposed to have ?
  • Well, you know, women could not say they like to be well fucked, women and men could not say they like to have fun. All those people must wear a serious and dull face even if they 're absolut not serious in their work or in their relationship. All is fake...
  • Things have changed...
  • I hope so.
  • But why were those people supposed to play such a boring game ? I don't get it.
  • As long as i understand,it's about money. You want to earn money so just do the game than we play since years and years and shut up ! You want to be an hero and change the rules, we will let you play for a while but try to kill you as soon as we can.
  • This is not the « we » we want.
  • That's it. This, just call it « bad we » is the « they » we're talking about when things turn paranoia.
  • Hahahahah !
  • Ok, i understand that as soon as you talk to the real things to people who actually just want some little language exchange of signs expressing they're powerfull, and despiting the others, you bother then, something like that
  • Why the people doesn't want to talk about the real things and just want to receive signs of no conversation and no agression ?
  • Because they know all the world is bullshit !
  • Isn't the point is they want to be able to fuck even the awfull things and world they're living in ?
  • The world is not bullshit or awfull.
  • You're right but the social world is.
  • I agree. It's not true that people want the social world goes better, they just want to be on the top of the society and get bad joy from that feeling of being powerfull. But all of this is fake and stupid and dull and boring but they still do as it's pleasant.. I don't know why.
  • Cause they're lazy !
  • Nowadays with the social network, i think people are involved in groups who tries to be attractive and works to be better, something like that
  • It's fake!Most of the people just want to be reassured in order not to change.
  • Do you talk about yourself ?
  • Well, at least, my self is a forum.
  • Isn't the nihilist thing to consider the self of human gender as a forum ?
  • Depends of you think about when you say the word « nihil » : a good thing ? A bad thing ? Something ? Nothing ? The Thing ?
  • At least, we talk together.
  • Hope so. Feel myself old and part o the world that dissappering.
  • Maybe it's just a illusion. Mabe your real life will begins.
  • Taht soudns advertissement but It will be wonderfull ! Hte point is i feel wounded. I stay alive and fight maybe just to know you exist and meet you but the way was hard and i 'm not sure to be able to stay.
  • Just try, little thing.
  • OK.


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