A star is born : Leonard DE VINCI is back !

  • But Elon MUSK does not any painting as long as I know
  • Well, to paint in the society of the XV e century is not to paint in the society of the XXI e century. Painting is for Leonard de VINCI a tool to approach and produce knowledge. At those time, it was also a way to earn money, to travel and live in beautiful places when you're the best. At least, at those times, it was a way to be free as a personn. I mean De VINCI was not only doing some paintings …
  • Yes, we have to remember Leonard de VINCI was living in a time without camera, it means without pictures, they've got access to the world by seeing it and by drawing it. The technical knowledge at those times was thin and shared by a few of personns. Kings were then interested in techniques just in order to win wars or to impress the others courts.
  • Is the world of the XXIe so different from that ? I mean does political people get any real interested in technique ? They just want to use some in order to impress people in order to be reelected … seems to me and that's a pity !
  • I guess the political one in France in the XXe century that asked LE CORBUSIER a building for low income people in Marseille was good, the question should be : why they're not all like that ?
  • As we talk about Leonard de VINCI, i guess it's important to say that he has nothing to do with that bullshit hollywood movie « Da Vinci bullshit ». First of all because De VINCI was interesting to know the world throught science and not throught religion or superstition, he was an engineer.
  • It's true that Leonard de VINCI was interesting in machine and in the human as a machine. He has done a lot of work around that, seems to me, I never study seriously his works.. I agree Elon MUSK share this huge curiosity about the world, the living and the human possibilities in doing things.
  • Well, Leonard de VINCI built also some machines : flying machines, war machines ...
  • I will say I agree this comparison due to a peculiar point. All of this MUSK will of doing funny and very smart cars where people can be happy in or about sending funny things in the space instead of the usual boring one is a kind of signature. You will never find painful paintings in de VINCI works, even the battles, it deals all about joy and secret joy..
  • Joy in battles ?
  • Well, just shake rage, it will rebecome joy. Nothing to do with hate..
  • Whatever it's just a way of talking, cause the important point is Elon MUSK is Elon MUSK and still becoming himself...
  • Yes, we agree.


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