David BOWIE sang « we can be heroes just for one day », Ellon MUSK nearly sings « we can be heroes just for everyday », well, I guess that's what is called an acceleration of time : in the 70's (XXe), one day of work per year for the heroes, in 2018 (XXIe), 365 days of work per year for the heroes. Well, even Super-Heroes need a workers union !

Cf : interview elon MUSK joe rogan : https://youtu.be/ycPr5-27vSI
  • Well, historian people say that in the middle age in europe, there is a moment where people work hard especially in organizing the farming things and the landscape and then, they create more wealth, a kind of jump for the peasant communauty, don't ask me when it was exactly, just ask specialists, but this is quite well known
  • Maybe it's a story invented by left hand historians ..
  • Well, what i want to say is we probably live in a kind of same period, it's not la renaissance, and beautiful arts people and scientists blabla, it's about more important things, it's about lanscape and cropped and when those bases will be solid on a new way so then this renaissance or whatever could or not happen. It's not the point.
  • That's why i'm saying it could be a legend invented by left hand historians : Peasants works hard and after beautiful people in the royal courts stole to them that wealth they worked hard to produce. Isn't that ?
  • I remember thinking in the 2000 years when there was this main stream idea dominating every conversations that we were living time of the end of history, i remember thinking we were in the illusion of that time, like Judith Garland being in the fake oz place...
  • So, you mean, Engineers are the peasants of the XXIe century ?
  • I don't know. I think there's some people they presented themselves as « ingénieur culturel » in french , don't know the english world, and i think it's just bullshit. Those people work just to imagine how it can be possible to go on making more money for a very few people while all the rest of the people considered as a mass of stupids, just here for duty to produce the wealth for the happy very few …
  • Is the financial engineering part of that cultural engineering ?
  • From my point of view, there's no doubt about that...
  • It's a point that i read the value of tesla auction get down after Elon MUSK was seen drinking a whisky and smoking a joint in an interview made by a stand up personn named Joe ROGAN. But actually, i look at this interview and the man Elon MUSK should have reassured the tesla auctionners : more two hours long, he's so impressivily professionnal and quiet and aware and clever and ...
  • the right word is smart but you don't like it...
  • well, when a word or whatever become a trend, the meaning is getting lost, well, that's the way i'm thinking.
  • Maybe you're wrong...
  • I would say the problem is not smart people that are great people, the problem is wannabesmart people that are awfull people !
  • Hahahahaha !
  • Well, i want to tell this little story about the up and dow of the value of tesla auction to point that the value of auctions is based on rumors and not on the wealth and it's a problem, a real problem for the economy..
  • A problem for the real economy...
  • Here in france, peasants shout out for years to politicals people about that distorsion between The real and The economical process giving a price to their agriculture productions...
  • That's why it's also a problem for Democraty considered as a trying way for people organizing themselves in order to live together without the law of violence as the only regulation. That's why i'm saying that those cultural engineering is just bullshit because they don't work on how make people 're going well together but how to keep people who've got money happy and with more money while the others would be quite and polite.
  • Does those cultural engineers work just to hide the violence of the very happy few imposing on the others people ?
  • This is speculation … you're like them...
  • Well, I guess the concrete question is : does the people who've got the money do the right thing. For exemple, why european soccer players who earn a lot of money still go on buying Porsche Car and not Tesla ?
  • In Arts, there's the same problem. As soon as artists is considered as good friends for rich people, so the work of arts, i mean, what is supposed to do arts is contained and more or less sterilized …
  • You mean you know the purpose of arts ?
  • Well, i guess we all trying to remember what it is about …
  • It's about doing things, nothing elsewhere ...
  • I've got a good sentence in french to sum up the purpose of arts, it's « la question de la forme en est le sujet ».
  • Ideal formulation : many meanings and even none ..
  • Isn't the definition of design ?
  • Intellectual design ? well, Rumors create the artists and go on the false funny games between fake smart people or wannabesmart people as you sayed, and work of arts is then just work for the stupid and the crazy ones...
  • there's also the primitive ones living in the forest …
  • Hahahahaha !
  • It's not that clear... i mean good people in a hand and bad people in an another... It's mixed.
  • I don't know, i'm out.
  • So you're mixed, aren't you ?
  • I find difficult to watch this conversation between Elon MUSK and Joe ROGAN, cause i've got that image of SCHWARTZENNEGER in surrimpression of ellon MUSK.
  • I read Elon MUSK inspired « Iron man », not « Conan le Barbare » !
  • But « Total Recall » takes place on planet MARCH doesn't it ?
  • Well, i still don't have seen « Iron Man », I guess in my mind SCHWARTZENNEGER is the one in « terminator I and II », did'nt see the followings...
  • I find hard to be bright and funny in english, I mean I find hard to be far silly and much more than stupid..
  • Yes, let's try …
  • So, when i was in a psychiatric asylum, the first days and even the first hours, after they have injected me strong drugs, I tried not to drown and two things came in my mind : first, the scene in Midgnight express movie, at nearly the end of it, when the main character is an psychiatric asylum and wakes up after his girlfriend came to visit him and second, the beginning of terminator II, when the mother is in an psychiatric asylum and constantly doing gymnastic. And after a while, i remember Jack NICHOLSON faking to take his medication in milos FORMAN movie, the french title is « vol au dessus d'un nid de coucou ».
  • And what is important to know, is that in TERMINATOR II, SCHWARTZENNEGER is a good one, is that what you want to talk about ?
  • I don't know.
  • I remember finding that idea clever : the bad one in the first movie is the good one is the second movie! Even the mother doesn't understand at first.
  • Well, how could have she ?
  • I don't know ... mother instinct ?
  • But we don't have to mix Elon MUSK and SCHWARTZENNEGER, cause SCHWARTZENNEGER was a mister univers with big muscles in stupid events for bodybuilding and then became an actor playing heroes. Elon MUSK IS a real superheroe !
  • Yes. From where i look, he more than seems to be a real one.
  • I like that man, he's really doing things. He's not fake ! I mean this HYPERLOOP Project, i remember reading an article about it in the french magazine ACTUEL in the beginning of the 80's in the XXe Century. And Elon MUSK will do it ! I find this just amazing !
  • I must admit he's impressive...
  • I find him oversize, well have no information about the size oh his dick, i mean his body and his mind seems to me from where i look oversize. Like those birds in that poem of Baudelaire or Rimbaud, can't remember which one : so beautiful and powerful when they're flying in the sky but theirs wings are too big to make things easy for them on earth and the sailors are kidding.
  • This is ridiculous, real birds 've got no problem to walk on earth !
  • Well, I guess it's a good emotive idea for a movie for an human audience, not for a documentary learning us how it is to be a bird...
  • The real personns and living being are not on emotive movie.
  • Yes... I mean No, the real world is not on movie.
  • Doesn't schwartzenneger engaged in political stuff nowadays ? Being a mayor or something like that ?
  • You mean politics are on movie nowadays ?
  • Hahahahaha !

Some propaganda music to wake up : Sébastien Tellier, Look. https://youtu.be/8jL0vy2YaDg


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