Les questions qui se posent : Does AI allow us to know better our prejudice about humans ? So, in that way, AI could be a good friend in our way to reach politics and economics democracies.

  • Why do you say that ?
  • Well, i see a bit of a documentary « do you trust this computer ? » (http://doyoutrustthiscomputer.org/)[sorry, i really don't have any money so i really can't pay to watch that] and in the extract, there was a man telling that AI could know you better than your mother. The man saying that didn't have six years old but maybe sixty can't remember, doesn't matter but I must say that it's not difficult to know me better than my mother cause my mother is dead now and just before she was in a severe depression for years and maybe since the day i was born but maybe it was the depression of my father that eated her, of course, i'm kidding, but that's why i affirm the reaction towards AI says more about the personn who reacts than about AI. That man thinks his mother knows him very well, maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong but he could not generalize this personnal knowledge to everyone cause otherwise it's ideology...
  • Well, I understand that. For example, when DESCARTES had said that we need to be « maitre et possesseur de la nature » that is really absurd as a project but DESCARTES said it in a cultural context where people talked about « Mother Nature », so if we point the cursor correctly, we understand that DESCARTES wanting to be « maitre et possesseur » of Mother Nature, so I bet DESCARTES wanted to be « maitre et possesseur » of his own mother.
  • I don't get it. Why should DESCARTES have wanted such a thing ?
  • He wanted to copy Oedipe maybe ...
  • Well, as long as I know, for a lot of men, their mothers exercise a kind of erotic dictatorship on their life. DESCARTES was looking a way to be free as a personn.
  • So, what ? Nature is not a mother ?
  • There's male and female in the Nature, i can't see the point. And I'm part of the nature a soon i'm born.
  • OK, so that man in that documentary should have said that AI would be able to know you better than yourself, that's it ?
  • Well, « connais-toi toi-même » is the big aim of philosophy according Socrate or Platon or one of those ancients greeks wearing a white sheet for a costume.. blabla so, it's not new and it's a hard job …
  • So, AI could be a mirror.
  • That's what i'm talking about, a mirror in which humans look at their face.
  • Well, some people know things about AI. They could talk about it without talking about themselves.
  • Yeah, of course. But human being is still unknown even if some try to believe they know everything about in order to control the situation(s) and the people...
  • I understand that humanity doesn't need AI to be destroyed cause humans are already very good in it. If AI could destroy humanity, it's just because humans already do it.
  • But AI will be more efficiant in that, also ...
  • So, what ? AI and humans form already a block chain. That's it ?
  • Maybe. But you have to consider that human is not a manufactured good. We're equal but we're not the same. There's something unknown and deeply unknown for each one. It could be burried but it's still there.
  • Like that thing in the KUBRICK movie you re-saw recently ?
  • I guess your question is « does AI a different intelligence that the human one ? »
  • Yeah. AI is quicker, larger, deeper but as the image of the human one.
  • And guess who does the human to its image ?
  • Come on ...
  • OK, « is there differents humans intelligences ? Or is it just different forms of the same thing ? »
  • this question is better.
  • We're agree.
  • Youpi !


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