Attempt to be an english literary crazy or « how to be Pierre BRISSET in english » ?

  • I resaw « 2001, a space Odyssey » recently and i 'm quite sure now that the real spelling of monkey is moonkey : it means the key for understanding our ancestors is on the moon ...
  • oh yeah, of course ! I like that movie very much, this huge spaceship with that spermatozoïd form ! I think KUBRICK had given us in the last part of the movie his way of imaging the natural conception of life form from a male point of view. How exicting it is to be the inner material of a spermatozoid merging inside an ovum !
  • Maybe KUBRICK just had tried to explain us how was his trip with LSD !
  • Well , The big infinite is a analog of the small infinite … i'm not sure scientific people nowadays goes on with that idea.
  • I heard that a french one had proposed a new theory for the whole in physics in which he rejects the hypothesis of dark matter and dark energy but proposes the antimatière more effective in the process of the world and acting on reverse concerning the gravity law, it means the antimatière falls to the top and 's got a tendancy for spreading. More or less. I just read once a press article relating this. The name of that physicians is CHARDIN, just as the name of the favorite painter of Robert BRESSON who didn't do movie with « actors » but with « models » as he said.
  • « l'Argent » is such a great movie, horrifying but great !
  • I prefer « Pickpocket ».
  • Well, don't know, I just regret that in that KUBRICK movie, we can't read precisely the instructions concerning the zero gravity toilett, it would have been useful... would avoid me to have to write some...
  • Yes, of course.


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