Forum « for an electric papamobile » (rerewrited).

  • So, around this idea about a TESLA car as a new papamobile, i think the pope François couldn't buy it cause he had choosen Saint François d'Assise as a model for his way of being a pope but it needed to be offered to the papauté.
  • Yeah, but it can't be TESLA which offers it cause TESLA's got no peculiar religion except the one of electric transportation and sustainable energy for the planet.
  • Yeah, of course … maybe one of those old rich personns can do it. I mean Bill GATES or Richard BRANSON or ...
  • Maybe a pop star can do it ...
  • Well, let's say that one of the best superstar of those times will offers a TESLA model III car to the pope in order that leader for christians people show the way of electric transportation...
  • Whatever it would be a good things that all the personns that live and work in the Vatican choose electric cars...
  • Imagine ROME with just electric cars ! It coud be great. The VATICAN is a country, they could even show the way by banning gasoline cars on their lands. It's not a big country but it's a first step, i mean the first country to do it and so the others will understand this is the way ...
  • It's a confetti country but it could be an huge symbol ! Whatever i'm for the individual freedom, i prefer people choose electric cars rather than they're obliged to do it...
  • The pope François is worried about the planet, he should be interested in electric transportation as an efficient medecine for the air...
  • And so David BOWIE could go on singing that « the planet earth is green and there's plenty of things » he can do.
  • Yes.
  • Are you sure this is the correct lyrics ?
  • No, the correct is « planet earth is SpaceX » but it's a secret that David BOWIE never revealed.
  • Ah, ouais !

(prochain épisode : How the festival de Cannes had invested in TESLA electric cars in order not to be completly has been and out of the worlwide trends and because of the influence of Juliette BINOCHE on the festival de Cannes previous organisation.)


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