Tomorrow, there's a soccer contest between France and Germany. So please don't suggest to listen Nina HAGEN to French people if you're a music listening application !

  • This is stupid ! Nobody listen Nina HAGEN nowadays, nobody even know who is Nina HAGEN !
  • Last time I heard about her was in the late eighties in the rock music festival in NYON where a girl working in the organisation as the assistant of the assistant of the assistant had explained having attended to the press conference of Nina HAGEN explaining to rock critics her recent contact with aliens ! But i never read anything about that in the press.
  • I can't even remember the music of Nina HAGEN ! I just remember her look !
  • So she was a pop singer, not a rock singer.
  • Maybe it's just I never had any records of her !
  • So as I said, there's a contest in soccer between France and Germany on Tuesday the 16th of October 2018, so if you're french, please concentrated on your support of the équipe de France de football.
  • Yeah !

Stupid songs of the eigthies in my head :« is it a crime ? » Sade. [i guess it's a kind of crime to have such bullshit song in head !]


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