Maybe on the XXIe century, fans are more lucid than the others, but it seems to us that Elon MUSK didn't do just a stupid joke about the accronym SEC in order to have the laughters on his side, he gives a point of view about how the stock exchange works in disconnection with the real (products, people, économy) and the long-term longing for bussiness, economy, people and this point of view is not exentric or extravagant or blabla, this point of view was repeated and repeated on medias in 2007 if I remember well. So it's not just about buzzing on twitter, it's about sharing ideas people agree on to build the future, it's about economic democracy !

  • we thank elon musk for that definition he tweets : « People sometimes forget that a company is just a group of people gathered together to make products. So long as it makes great products, it will have great value ». Here in France, workers who complain against the closure of factories even when they're doing benefits but just in order to give money to actionners could have say it !
  • Peasants think the same way ! They product good food, their produts must have a good value !
  • I remember Brigitte FONTAINE explaining that as she'd like to have fun, journalist and people in the media never consider seriously what she's talking about, so she had decided to become boring with journalists and medias. I mean are the movie of Charlie CHAPLIN just good fun ?
  • Yeah, of course, but you can understand that if you have to pay a 10 million of dollars cause you sent a tweet (i know nothing technicaly about that thing) you're not expected to send an ironic tweet a few days later on the subject ! Even if i could understand this kind of stupid things of not being able to simulate the resignation in front of people of the official orders - well i didn't pay 20 millions dollars cause i don't have any money, i just go three weeks in an HP and thanks my mother died so they let me go but my mother had died and my father half crazy blablabla-.well, i know, now i'm a grown up personn (more or less), that all of that is stupid,. so if i could give a piece of advice to that wonderful man, Elon MUSK, that do not need any, i would say « Forgot about SEC, just breath and think about me, i mean, about who or what you want, you've done so many great things in your life and you will do so many, that you could allow yourself to be happy »
  • Yeah, when you're tired the kind of bullshit you just say feel like cream and so i'm a little child and my mother will love me ... but actually she doesn't.. So, blablabla, i would have tried to say something intelligent around twitter which could be the most interesting communication things in the world but lacked to be. I don't have a clue about what does that mean to be followed by more than 100 000 personns, i mean i 'm doing vidéo that i'm more or less the only one to look at- i'm happy with that, i like doing it- but i remember that french singer, from belgium actually, STROMAE who did a critic of twitter in one of his song « prends garde à toi si tu t'aimes » or maybe « carmen » the correct title. And he points the burden of having such followers.
  • Well, some intelligent things can be said on twitter but it can turned easily on bullshit cause too many trolls or spies or wannabe or darkmatter or ..
  • It's not about twitter ! it's about being a popular personn ! People like you, so in order to catch audience or attention, the one and others who actually do nothing but just noise will talk about you in order to try to exist. It's not a new thing. But the technical electronical communication tools just amplify this thing. I mean what is the court of a King ? Just people trying to exist by talking about this and that, gossips, mistress of the King, gossips about the others european courts, blabla. Something like that.
  • And that discussion we have in that blog, what is it ?
  • I don't know. I don't care. I wish i could swim.


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