If you heard a woman saying thats she doesn't « want a lemur ! I want a real man ! There's not so many ... » what will you think ?

  • this woman could'nt stand the idea of a tired man just dreaming about sleeping for four days without any interruption,
  • this woman is under control,
  • this woman is under influences,
  • This woman didn't give her definition of « a real man » so we can't think nothing about,
  • you actually don't know what a lemur is and how it lives,
  • you don't understand nothing about that, cause you're a horse,
  • you dislike psychological test.
Dans les épisodes précédents : question 84, dite de Galliano, 7 mars 2011. https://manuelleyerly.blogspot.com/2011/03/test-psychologique-de-quelle.html
d'autres questions : https://manuelleyerly.blogspot.com/2011/03/test-psychologique-de-quelle_29.html


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