Forum « TESLA and TESLA are in a TESLA »

  • We saw a kind of advert for the new model of TESLA cars quoting Elon MUSK « we try to make things that people love », of course it's a beautiful programm but as we are in 2018, and from what i know from the works of Elon MUSK is that Elon MUSK and his teams try « to make things that people love for what the things are and not what it is said that they are ».
  • You're boring, you project on Elon MUSK your own obsession !
  • I'm sorry this is not that ! I never saw a picture of a TESLA car with an half naked woman with wet lips saying TESLA car is great ! They communicated around the technical test it means we're there on the ground of science, so neutral arguments and around the experience shared by users of theirs cars, the ground of arts so the shared subjectivity of one and other building an human intersubjectivity. I don't think they're the kind of personns who gonna pay some people to say they are users of cars and like it !
  • I don't get the point ! What are you trying to say ?
  • We can't do as we 're living in a world where what it is said is what it is said.
  • You're boring we have to try to live that way. Less is more...
  • Maybe, but we have to be aware that it's a fight against those who lies. I mean it's not that they said they didn't enjoy seeing naked women or men on pictures that is not a problem, i mean it's that their langage could be corrupted, it means their langage refers to a world corrupted even if they don't know...
  • You mean what ? They always talk about sex even when they didn't know they do, that 's it ?
  • Euh, don't know, i mostly thought about people talking around moral issues, big generalities, things like « we need to help poor people » blablabla...
  • Well, can't see the point, « we need to help poor people » is not a corrupted sentence.
  • Well, we need to help poor people to do what ?
  • Help yourself and god will help you.
  • That's it ! And you see there's two different views coexisting for those who believe in God in the christian way : « at the beginning is the world » and « at the beginning is the word »
  • well, i presume that as soon as words are still connected to concrete world, it's Ok. No problem.
  • Yeah … as soon as money and value of actions are still connected to concrete products and things, it's ok. No problem ...
  • Well, i guess it talks also about the connection between language and perception ; it's an huge job nowadays to make happen this coïncidence between what it is said and what it's talking about. We can't deny it … The more you know, the less it's clear !
  • I disagree !
  • I don't get it !
  • Well, we 're far away from commercial stuff ...
  • No, we 're exploring how a commercial advertissement could be not agressive in a democratic world ! Cause nowadays advertissement is a kind of mask to hide horryfing conditions of productions in poor country, corruption and pot-de vins, blabla..
  • Yeah, i know, in France, the eggs sellers that's doing the more advertissement were the ones the less severe with the conditions done to the fowls (poules). So are advertissement needed to be banned or can it exist in a democratic way ?
  • Ok, so isn't the word « love » too huge ? « things that people love » isn't that hubris, this will of doing such things ?
  • You mean « things that people like » will be much convenient ?
  • No, now Facebook exists, « like » is completly less meaning …
  • Well, I « like » this idea of doing things that people love cause they « try » to make it, they're not agressive and autoritaire saying they're doing it...
  • But what do you think of that project : « make things that people love » ?
  • Well, i'm not working in industry and i'm working by my own, so i'm not able of such things, i'm just trying to make things that i love.
  • You mean you masturbate yourself ? It's a very erotic programm, you're a stupid !
  • Well, it's ambitious !
  • I want to say by the way that i always find stupid that discours around Yves SAINT-LAURENT « qui aimait les femmes ». It's stupid ! Yves SAINT-LAURENT didn't love women, he was gay, it means he loved men !
  • Well, this an huge dossier ! we need to define what is a man, what is a woman, what is a personn, what mean « love someone » or « love somebody » or « love a sexual one or body  », do you love a personn, a body, a sex, a fantasy, a fiction, a story, a performance, blabla what is love, where is love, blabla..
  • No, i'm sorry, this is the point, « trying to make things that people love for what things are and not what it's said they are » . Yves SAINT-LAURENT aimait sa mère comme un petit garçon, Yves SAINT-LAURENT aimait l'image des femmes, Yves SAINT-LAURENT n'aimait pas les femmes qui aimaient faire l'amour avec des hommes.
  • We don't know about that .. But it's true that in the luxury business, i heard there's a gap they jumped in the 2000 years, when they're stopped to be in the tradition of doing things, delocalize production and invest a lot in adverstissement and corruption of the press people (gift for). I heard expensive perfumes are now more or less the same shit that lower price perfumes …
  • SAMO : same old shit that usual !
  • So what ? Elon MUSK and his team do cars for people who love cars and driving and not for the one who wants to be seen on instagram next to their car. Is that the thing you want to say ?
  • Ah, maybe, sounds good.. i would have say « who love cars and driving and wants to keep on doing it in spite of the ecological crisis »...
  • It's a quite long sentence for a commercial slogan ! You have to stop to be radical : for commercials, these two kinds of persons are clients, those who love driving and those who loves to be on the image next to the car, they're clients as soon as they can pay. You see « selling car is not a religion » … less is more ! «try to make things that people love » is an open project, don't need to say more...
  • Yes, but « producing locally and selling electrics cars » at the beginning of the XXIe century is not just a business among others, it's about producing the future.
  • And why have we this conversation ?
  • Don't know, i can't sleep..


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