Is instinct an intelligence ? Such an high speed process that you can maybe approach the steps and the way of proceeding by very slowing but not stopping ? What could become an machine instinct ? And for what purpose it will work ? Is that obsession of making money to become respectable the triangle des bermudes of the silicon Valley where the engineers could loose the North on their compass of what they're supposed to do for the wealth ? To say it in an another way : by building an artificial intelligence don't we forget to explore our own capacities of understanding ? Is an artificial intelligence an artifice ?

  • don't you think it's a problem of yours, i mean this obsession of having a job whatever it could be inorder to earn your living  which means also money?
  • Well, i guess i've got in heritage this horrifying fright of being forced to get married with a man that i find disgusting, so i know these things do not happen anymore in western society but i feel it still happen on different forms. So as a woman, to earn my living is a way of being free but the problem is how the working thing is organize in our society and the exploitation of libido in the advanced capitalist organization.
  • So..
  • So what ?
  • You're not up-to-date, the exploitation reachs now imagination and memory.. and so yours …
  • Imagination and memory are bricks for the libido, don't you think ?
  • Hum … Eros is the son of Poverty and .. can't remember ..
  • Opportunity, i guess ..
  • Oh ! Like the one living on Mars and that the NASA hopes for a sign sooner, ne ?
  • Isn't « Curiosity » the correct name ?... Have to check ..
  • check the name of who ? Eros father or the one living on Mars ?
  • Could be the same, no ?
  • moi, j'ai compris que ce blog fonctionne comme les petits cailloux du Petit Poucet.
  • You mean what ? You can let yourself falling down and then recover your way, that's it ?
  • I would have said « I can loose myself in the deep forest and find my way back », but it's still not the right way of talking about how it works or what is happening.
  • You know nothing.
  • Nearly, nearly nothing...


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