Forum « what could be a non intelligent life ? »

  • I must say i've got problem with that conception of the human as the only intelligent animal on Earth. Humans are involved in a prometheen adventure than the other animals didn't try but each life form 's got its own intelligence. I mean people who build vaccines must know about that , even a small bacterium has got the intelligence of staying alive.
  • Yeah, but the human try to understand everything, our intelligence is beyond our survey.
  • I disagree with that, it's for our survey that humans had decided to understand and build tools. Since the firegun had been invented, humans began to be stronger that their predators, before, he was only one in the food chain.
  • Maybe it was a bad day that day when fireguns were invented... i'm getting old now and i'd like to be an ouran outang or a gibbon living in trees by myself if i'm an ouran outang or with my eternal partner if i'm a gibbon.
  • You couldn't say that if you're born as an ouran outang or as a gibbon, that's a big difference.
  • You don't know about that. Animals look at us, they could have their point of view about our way of living.
  • OK, i understand that we can't say that intelligence is just an human monopole. The bee society or the ant one are very sophisticated organizations, but each bee or each ant doesn't have the freedom to choose its destiny, they're determined since their birth.
  • Well, humans fight hard to have this freedom respected …
  • I don't get it, what do you try to say ?
  • Don't know, maybe that there's plenty of intelligences on earth, that there's no reason humans are the only aware about their presence to the world and so we're used to consider that question of intelligence by a wrong side.
  • Well, we first need to define what is an intelligence.
  • From what i know, it's one of the face of JANUS and it's linked to the other face that is stupidy. If you're not stupid, you can't be intelligent, and if you're not intelligent, you can't be stupid.
  • Ok, i think it's a good introduction. I suggest we think about that and go on that conversation later.
  • OK.
  • I disagree i find stupid such a definition for intelligence. From what i know « intelligence » comes from the latin word « intelligere » who means « comprendre ». être intelligent c'est la faculté de comprendre, comprendre ce qui est dit, comprendre les situations, comprendre quoi faire, comprendre le passé, comprendre l'avenir,
  • comprendre l'impossibilité de savoir !
  • You switch in french ! So to be intelligent is about understanding, that's what you're saying and what she pointed with the use of the character of JANUS is « if you understand that way , it means you couldn't understand this way » cause no human could see the whole and then no human could understand the whole.
  • Yes, but it's long time ago now that the human knowledge had been beyond the point of the visible humans can see. We can understand things that we can't see !
  • It's not true, you can't see it with your own eyes but you use tools in order to make it visible to your mind !
  • I'm clearly not able to have a point of view on this cause i'm not aware of how the physical research works now.
  • Well, Stephen HAWKINGS just speculated in his last last years …
  • I don't know about that …
  • But you talk about a point of view ! You can understand things as soon as you can see it ! The langage is clear about that.
  • Well, the langage could make a trick to us by the use of that image ...
  • You talk about an image !
  • Well, as i said : the langage could make some jokes and mystification and ...
  • I disagree
  • Well langage is already by itself a representation so …
  • So what ? The langage has taken its own freedom and make tricks to the humans ... you're both really stupid !
  • So it means we're intelligent, good news !
  • No, it means we eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and that's why we can't just breath, live and fuck as the monkeys still can do !
  • Oh i see, we're really stupid.
  • Well, we have to do with that. It can be good. But we have to work.
  • Est-ce que les salauds et les salopes sont intelligents ?
  • Hmmm, je dirais que les salauds et les salopes se croient intelligents et croient tout voir.
  • Il faudrait peut-être les représenter comme des tiques sur la tête de JANUS.
  • You schwitch in french and whatever I need a break, my head is too heavy …
  • No problem, just sleep now, we will whisper you marvellous no alcoholic tales into your dreams...
  • Thank you.


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